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Dr. Maryam Heydari











Motivation and scope

I am a geochronologist with a background in physics and geophysics. My research focuses on deciphering the timing of the prehistoric processes on the Earth through innovative luminescence dating techniques and novel data analysis approaches. In particular, I am interested in tracing the human past and constraining ancient major geophysical events such as the earthquakes during the late Pleistocene. This research is essential since it contributes to geohazard mitigation for the regions that have undergone significant seismic activities.


Publication list (selected)

Heydari, M., Guérin, G.,  Sirakov, N., Fernandez, P., Ferrier, C., Guadelli, A., Leblanc, J-C., Taneva, S.,  Svoboda, S.,  Guadelli, J-L,. 2022. The last 30,000 to 700,000 years ago: unravelling the timing of human settlement for the Palaeolithic site of Kozarnika. Quaternary Science Reviews 291, 107645.

Heydari, M., Guérin, G., Zeidi, M., Conard, N.J., 2021. Bayesian luminescence dating at Ghār-e Boof, Iran, provides a new chronology for Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the southern Zagros. Journal of Human Evolution 151, 102926.

Heydari, M., 2020. Ph.D. thesis “Applying Bayesian models to improve luminescence-based chronologies of Middle to Upper Palaeolithic sites in Iran” (cumulative thesis in English)

Heydari, M., Guérin, G., Kreutzer, S., Jamet, G., Kharazian, M.A., Hashemi, M., Nasab, H.V., Berillon, G., 2020. Do Bayesian methods lead to more precise chronologies? ‘BayLum’ and a first OSL-based chronology for the Palaeolithic open-air site of Mirak (Iran). Quaternary Geochronology 59, 101082.

Heydari, M., Guérin, G., 2018. OSL signal saturation and dose rate variability: Investigating the behaviour of different statistical models. Radiation Measurements 120, 96–103.


Scientific career

Since 07/2022

Post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Freiburg, Germany (Alexander von Humboldt fellowship)

07/2021 - 06/2022

Post-doctoral fellow at the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Freiburg, Germany (Come and Stay Fellowship)

09/2016 - 08/2020

PhD in Physique des Archaéomateriaux in the Research Centre of Applied Physics to Archaeology (IRAMAT-CRP2A), CNRS-Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Pessac, France (financed by the French excellence initiative LaScArBx - LabEx)

01/2016 - 07/2016

Visiting researcher at the Research Centre of Applied Physics for Archaeology (IRAMAT- CRP2A), Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Pessac, France

09/2013 - 01/2016 Master's degree in Geophysics (Earthquake-seismology) awarded from the Geophysics Institute of Tehran University, Iran 
09/2006 - 07/2011 

Bachelor's degree in Physics (Atomic and Molecular) awarded from the Department of Physics at the Tehran University, Iran